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Book Now Multiple Edition Example (Mix)
This is an example book now multiple edition course.
Blended (Online and In Person)

Book Now Single Edition Example (fixed)
This is an example book now course which will contain a single edition.
Blended (Online and In Person)

Creating Characters in D&D
Learn to create fun characters!
Online (Self-paced independent learning)

Flexible Singing
This course offers insights into operatic singing.

How to become a YouTuber
Learn how to become a convincing influencer!

How to Read a Novel (Canvas)
Get underneath the skin of a novel by understanding some of the main building blocks of modern fiction.
In Person (On Campus)

How to Read a Poem
This course will demonstrate the fundamentals for reading and interpreting a variety of poetic forms, from Shakespeare to T.S. Eliot, to...
Online (Self-paced independent learning)

Imagine - a course in Photography
Photography is the art of framing what you see and telling a new story
Blended (Online and In Person)

Knitting for athletes
Knitting is for all athletes. You gotta stay warm to be top in your game.
Online (Self-paced independent learning)

Lizzy's Fun Amazing Course
Le petit Chaperon Rouge. Learn to read and translate the Brothers Grimm fairy tale in...
In Person (On Campus)

Luke UAT test 2
This is a UAT OER test course.
Online (Self-paced independent learning)

MOOC UAT (Required & Optional)
UAT MOOC Course with all required and Optional fields selected.
In Person (On Campus)

Themes at the National Galleries of Scotland: Love
A five-week course based around a key theme and focusing on one or two paintings each week.
In Person (Off Campus)