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Short Courses

Breeding Programme Modelling with AlphaSimR

Course summary

Start date




Delivery mode

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Online (Self-paced independent learning)

This course is hosted on an external learning platform
Course image

About the course

This online course will equip participants with an understanding of computer modelling of breeding programmes to enhance genetic improvements in agriculture. The modelling is done through the AlphaSimR package.


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What you'll learn

1) Recall the key steps in setting up and designing a computer (in-silico) breeding programme to simulate and study a chosen population and understand the objectives that the in-silico breeding programme is being tailored to address.

2) Apply and build a breeding programme with AlphaSimR and use it to simulate and analyse a range of scenarios for a chosen population using an online R platform, which allows participants to access, manipulate, and run code.

3) Evaluate different breeding scenarios best suited to different species, populations, and available resources. Use information from the course to create a breeding programme which meets these objectives and derive tangible interpretations based on the simulation results.


Week 1: Introduction to breeding programme modelling

Week 2: Relationship between DNA & traits

Week 3: DNA Lottery

Week 4: Response to selection

Week 5: Modelling complex breeding programmes

Who the course is for

Agricultural  students  and professionals interested in breeding and genetics. This MOOC would also appeal to those wishing to improve their data science skills and employability within agriculture  and  management  of  wild  and  captive  populations  be  these  students, farmers,policy makers, breeding companies and relevant industries.

Entry criteria

English language

Additional Information

This course is hosted on an external learning platform

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