Chicken Behaviour and Welfare
Course summary
Delivered by
MOOC CatalogueDuration
Self-pacedThis course is hosted on an external learning platform

About the course
With a focus on laying hens and meat chickens, this course explains the general principles of chicken behaviour and welfare. The course will teach you about the behavioural and physiological indicators that can be used to assess welfare in chickens kept in hobby flocks through to commercial farms.
What you'll learn
The course covers a wide array of subjects including:
- avian sensory perception and motivation
- poultry behaviour patterns
- welfare standards and how to assess
- understand chicken welfare.
Who the course is for
The course caters to people with varying degrees of interest and involvement including those who own chickens, commercial egg and/or meat producers, veterinarians and vet nurses.
Entry criteria
Additional Information
This course is hosted on an external learning platform